Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This life

Okay well I'm going to do a quick introductory post of sorts generally so that I can get that all out of the way so you understand where I'm coming from and why i write what i write and how i write it.

So i'm a college student (one year til the real world and counting...eeek). I'm a journalism major with a poetic soul (hard news isn't really my forte). I love Shakespeare and analyzing literature, but I also love putting out the news. A journalism major gave me both avenues in an easy to attain format.
At my school I am the Editor-in-Chief of a rather good newspaper. We rock out, on a small, underbudgeted scale of course. I am also interning at a daily paper over the summer. I work in a library because the people rock and it smells like musty books (which i believe is my favorite scent next to coffee).
Blogs have many purposes. They can let you vent, explore new topics, keep people updated, or keep track of your own life. I've got bunches of blogs, some of which is still keep up with, others I've abandoned. This one was started because my school started to block my beloved blog site LiveJournal. When that one came back up I gave up on this one for a while. Lately, I have decided to change the goal. As the title says (taken from a song by Jose Gonzales) I plan to search for truth, but truth as it is translated into life through newspapers (my professional forte), photography (that which keeps me sane), books (my obsession) and music (an obsession that defines me).
So there you (I) have it. A purpose. I'll be updating shortly with real stuff. If you're not familiar with blogs, just to let you know you can comment as you wish. Just give me your name if you want a response or for me to know who it is. As Roland of Gilead says often in Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series: Thankee-sai!


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