Monday, October 13, 2008

Missing Morroco...

I miss Morocco more than I ever expected I would. While it was a challenging experience (It was the first country I visited that had a native language that I could not speak), I would never have traded it for the world. The food, the colors, the people. They all hold a special place in my heart.
It is only lately that I have found a way to remember this beautiful place without just going through my pictures yet again.
An American woman named Maryam writes a blog called My Marrakesh in which she writes poetically about her life living in the city she loves. I recommend visiting her blog for some gorgeous pictures and beautiful words.
For now, here's some of my memories of Morocco:

Hope of Children


Mint tea at the Port of Tangier

I will cherish many of my experiences...

...The bright and joyful colors of Morocco...

...The cats sleeping on every corner...

...The plants that grew out of stone...
The sunsets that put everything in perspective...

...The barriers I was forced to break through...And the beauty on the other side...

...The knowledge that a simple flower can make crumbling walls beautiful.

I think I gained a part of myself I never knew I had through my Morrocan experiences. And I left a part of my heart with those friends I left behind. For more photos of my time in Morocco, see my Flickr site.


  1. Thank you so much for the lovely mention:)

    And you simply must come back to Morocco. It awaits you!

  2. I hate you for making me want to go back so much. I was talking about it with one of my coworkers today and I just wanted to cry because of how much I miss it. <3
