Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Finds: Geek to the core

Last week's discovery of the R2D2 mug got me thinking about how best to incorporate my love of all things Geek into my decor. A quick Etsy search turned up plenty of choices.

I don't have kids, but if I did, you can be sure this would be in their room:

This would be fitting addition to any (wo)man cave:

I love the graphic nature of this one. It's pretty much on my must-have list now:
 Retro Scandinavian style Star Wars printhandz

There's something gorgeously geeky about these simple blueprints for the Millennium Falcon. Want!

And because I love typography and The Lord of the Rings, I can't help but think this is pretty awesome:

And finally, I love the moody quality and the reference that only fans would get:

1 comment:

  1. I just happened to be googling my shop and came across this post! Thanks for mentioning me. ;) I'm tiedyejedi - and it's a small world, because not too long ago I bought that Empire Strikes Back poster in lavender for my daughter's room.
